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How to sell your property at the best price and in the shortest time?

More than 21 years of experience endorse us

We have a team of professionals with commercial vocation, continuous training, and great ability to efficiently carry out any necessary procedures in the real estate field.

Thanks to our network of contacts, we have more than 20,000 potential buyer clients. We also rely on a strong investment in marketing and advertising, as well as a solid material and technological infrastructure that allows us to advance with the changes.

Feel free to ask us any questions you may have. The Mundo Pisos team is at your disposal to answer you and achieve a successful sale.

How to sell your property in 3 months?


Establish the Right Price..

Establish the Right Price.


Establish the Right Price.

"The price is not set by the consultant or the seller; it is set by the market."

  • Setting the correct price for your property is a decisive factor in selling it. To make your property attractive and not deter potential buyers, it is crucial to determine a realistic market price. Setting the right price from the beginning means taking advantage of the initial momentum that properties have at the start of the sale.

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If you really want to sell your property, don`t be influenced by the prices of properties that are already on the market. Often, these have been in that situation for a long time and are likely to continue. It`s clear that everyone remembers the high prices of the real estate bubble, so the temptation to ask for too much is common.

Thanks to its knowledge of the real estate market in Mallorca, MUNDO PISOS has an extensive experience helping sellers seting the right price. Comparing with other properties sold in the area is crucial to determine the basic value. With this information, we will sit down with you and decide on a good starting point.



  • In the area and location of the property and in the future prospects of the surroundings.
  • In the condition and general characteristics of the house.
  • In the current real estate market supply and demand.
  • In current financing and purchasing power.
  • In the perceived quality by the buyer.
  • In the current competition.
  • In the proximity and quality of public services, medical centers, transportation, schools, privileged areas, proximity, and sea views.
  • In real estate market trends.



  • In your feelings towards it.
  • In what you need or should mortgage.
  • In how much you`ve spent on it.
  • In what you want or think to ask.
  • In what the property you`re buying is worth.
  • In what your neighbors ask for or suggest, family or friends.
  • In inflated appraisals.
  • In the high prices of the real estate bubble.



The best offers, if the price is right from the start, are generally received in the first 30 days after it is put up for sale.

  • An expensive property will help other sellers sell theirs. Your expensive property will show others in your area that theirs is priced correctly and is a good opportunity.
  •  The seller will lose potential interested buyers. Clients only visit properties within their budget. Even if the seller is willing to accept lower offers, they won`t receive them because potential buyers won`t see the property.

No visits, no opportunity for sale.

  • The property will be "burned" in the real estate market. People avoid viewing properties with many sun-faded unreadable signs because they assume it`s too expensive or something is wrong with it.
  • You will spend a lot of time on visits with no results, ending up tired and fed up with showing it. Sometimes you may end up withdrawing it from sale or renting it poorly.
  • If you don`t live in the property, you will still have to spend money on maintenance and municipal taxes, in addition to current risks of squatters and deterioration.
  • The property will have problems with valuation. Even if someone unfamiliar with the market makes an offer, the bank knows the real value of the property and will not lend for it. The seller will have to lower the price in any way or lose the deal.


¿Why is nobody calling to buy my house?

The answer is simple: the price is high. Few are willing to accept that the crux of the matter is the high price of selling their homes. Some sellers cling to the belief that if there are no buyers at their door, it`s only because banks have "closed the tap."

Being flexible with the selling price of your home is not just about the urgency to sell; it`s about the actual market price, whether in a hurry or not. Opportunities don`t always present themselves. We suggest being open to considering offers for your property.

It`s insanity to keep doing the same thing without results and expect things to change.


Prepare Your Home for Visits (Home Staging)..

Prepare Your Home for Visits  <i>(Home Staging).</i>


Prepare Your Home for Visits (Home Staging).

This involves "staging the house" to make it more attractive and appealing to a larger audience, thereby increasing the chances of selling it in the shortest time and with the greatest benefit for the owner.

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Home Staging is an English term, literally translated as: staging the house.

Here are some Home Staging techniques to make a lasting impression and sell your property in less than three months...


There is only one opportunity to make a good first impression.

"A home is perceived with all five senses."

In a conducted study, it was proven that homes prepared for sale sell in half the time compared to those that are not.

The care, cleanliness, and order of your home are essential to guarantee an optimal impression, for which it needs to be well organized and planned. Remember that a clean and well-maintained space is more welcoming.

When a buyer visits your home, they should feel or imagine their ownselfs living in it. Turn your clients into guests; ideally, make them imagine that the home is already theirs. We should try to avoid making the buyer feel like an intruder.

¿Is the house ready for sale, or does it need repairs and attention to details?

It`s not always about renovating the entire house; it`s about rearranging, depersonalizing, and making small improvements to give a sense of spaciousness and joy.

We must ask ourselves about the disadvantages the property presents. Always put yourself in the shoes of the potential buyer; the issues the house poses should be spotted and fixed before buyers bring them up. Some ideas that MUNDO PISOS suggests or can do for you:


  • Make minor repairs: broken floors, blown bulbs, broken carpentry, outlets, dampness, cracks, especially in elements that will significantly lower the selling price.
  • Get rid of useless old junk, which you probably will do when you leave.
  • Avoid overloading spaces or walls; it gives a sense of being smaller.
  • Rearrange your home; most appreciate it with less furniture, leave only the essential pieces.
  • Take care of outdoor areas: gardens, bushes, pool, barbecue, sidewalks...
  • Kitchens and bathrooms are two very delicate spaces. Take care of them when showing. Store everything from the kitchen countertop, remove personal items from the bathroom.
  • Replace the old curtains in your home.
  • For any bad odors, ventilate the house and then use air fresheners...
  • Open the blinds and curtains; let in natural daylight. If it`s nighttime, turn on all the lights.
  • Control annoying noises that may make the client nervous.
  • Do not leave any pets free that may disturb the visit.
  • Depersonalize your home, remove photos and family relics.
  • Fill holes in the walls and paint in neutral colors.


With these simple things, imagination, and common sense, you will:


  • Take photos that stand out from the rest.
  • Get more visits.
  • Achieve a lasting impression.
  • Avoid unnecessary negotiations.
  • Sell faster and at a better price.
  • Visitors will feel at home.


Download our Home Staging Dossier for more information.



Implement a Personalized Marketing and Advertising Plan..

Implement a Personalized Marketing and Advertising Plan.


Implement a Personalized Marketing and Advertising Plan.

Having the right price and the home prepared for visits is of little use if no one knows that you are selling your property. Hence, the importance of implementing an effective personalized marketing and advertising plan.

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Creating a good marketing plan is not only convenient but necessary, to maximize the chances of success; it is our showcase to the outside world. Well-crafted, personalized, and distinctive marketing can increase sales by more than 50%. At Mundo Pisos, to fulfill our goal and commitment to selling your property in less than three months. We know which marketing plan to apply to each home. We cannot launch marketing actions without first identifying, planning the necessary actions, and then executing an appropriate strategy, thus creating added value to your property.

¿What is Real Estate Marketing?

Marketing is the process of identifying, planning, and executing the necessary actions for effective promotion and distribution of goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and business objectives.

Marketing is an English concept, translated into Spanish as "Mercadeo" or "Mercadotecnia." It is the discipline dedicated to analyzing market and consumer behavior.

"Marketing is having the right product at the right time, adapted to demand, at the indicated time, and at the correct market price."


Suggestions for a Good Real Estate Marketing Plan


  • It is advisable for owners not to be present when showing the property. Owners usually make buyers nervous; nobody feels comfortable inspecting a home, feeling like they are invading privacy. Consider leaving the property while the visit takes place. Leave it in the hands of real estate professionals.
  • Save time and money on travel. If you do not live in the house you are selling, providing the key is ideal, as it will avoid wasting time and money on travel, and we will not depend on specific days or schedules. A Mundo Pisos advisor will sign a key delivery certificate as responsible for its proper use.
  • Do not restrict visit times. If you live in the house for sale, do not restrict visit times. Consider that the best buyers may have very demanding work schedules and can only view properties at certain times or days.
  • Work with your real estate agent. If you are trying to sell the property on your own, remember that there are real professionals whose daily job is to help promote and sell your property, in addition to facilitating the financial service for it.
  • "Sales is a numbers game." The more people who know about the property you have for sale, the greater the possibility of finding a buyer.
  • When an owner decides to sell their property, it is important to realize that it has ceased to be their home and has become a marketing product. Therefore, that space should be presented to the liking of the majority of potential buyers.

Want to know how to sell better?

Download our Owner`s Guide and Real Estate Services for more information.

Do you know how much you can ask for your property?

Value it for free with us.

Enter the address of the property you want to assess.

What is selling?

Selling is a personalized advisory process carried out by the seller or the real estate agent to help the client find a solution according to their needs.

Selling is not just about selling,"" it is about helping the client identify the basic needs and motivations for the purchase, so as to help them understand the product or service and what it can do for them. It allows them to sell themselves.

The most common mistakes when selling a property

Often, there is a sense of urgency to sell, and this is highly discouraged as it only encourages potential buyers to push for a lower price.

It`s also not advisable to give the property to many different agencies, because contrary to what might seem apparent at first, it only creates too much noise around the property, disrupting the sale.

When a property is in the hands of multiple real estate agents, with many `for sale` signs, control over key details like the description and price becomes complicated. Each intermediary might introduce their own margins, making adjusting the property`s price a difficult task to coordinate. This disorder and lack of control can create distrust in potential buyers, as they perceive the lack of consistency and professionalism in the sale`s management.

Therefore, it`s preferable to work with a single real estate agency and trust in its sales techniques, one of which is giving the property on a multi-exclusive basis. This allows collaboration between agencies, but in a controlled and beneficial way for the seller.
Learn more about the benefits of multi-exclusive selling offered by Mundo Pisos.


Conveying a sense of lack of control in the sale generates distrust.

Conveying a sense of need or anxiety equals a lack of professional advice.

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